Constellation Similarity Assertions

Washburn, Joseph, 1766-1805

Joseph Washburn was born on May 13, 1766, in Middletown, Connecticut. He was prepared for college by the Reverend Enoch Huntington and was the oldest member of his Yale College class. After graduation, he studied for the ministry, again with Huntington. In June, 1794, he was licensed to preach and the following year, he was ordained and installed as pastor of a Farmington, Connecticut church. He was married on August 18, 1795, to Sarah Boardman, with whom he had four children. He died while at sea, traveling south to Charleston, South Carolina, on December 25, 1805.

Joseph Washburn, the son of Joseph and Ruth Washburn, of Middletown, Connecticut, was born in Middletown on May 13, 1766, and baptized five days later. His mother was the youngest daughter of Daniel and Dorothy (Hale) Wetmore, of Middletown.


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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Washburn, Joseph D. (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.
