Constellation Similarity Assertions
Maybe-Same Assertions
There are 2 possible matching Constellations.
Ruck, Berta, 1878–1978. (person)
Amy Roberta (Berta) Ruck was born in Muree, India, on August 2, 1878, the eldest of eight children. Both her parents were from army families, and her father, Colonel A.A. Ruck, was a Welsh commander in the British army. By her second year, Ruck’s family had moved back to North Wales, where her father became Chief Constable of Caernarvonshire in 1888. After graduating from a boarding school in Bangor, and working briefly as an au pair in Germany, Ruck attended art sch...
Ruck, Berta, 1878- (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.