Constellation Similarity Assertions
Foster, Joseph
Joseph Foster (1844-1905) was a genealogist. In 1885 Foster began editing the transcripts by Joseph Lemuel Chester of the 'Oxford Matriculation Register', which had become the property of Mr. Bernard Quaritch, supplemeting Chester's work from his own independent research. The result was the 'Oxford Matriculation Register' alphabetically arranged, which was published in eight volumes as Alumni Oxonienses ; four volumes, covering the period 1715-1886, appeared in 1887, and another four volumes, covering the period 1500-1714, in 1891. In recognition of this service the university gave him the honorary degree of M.A. in 1892. Foster was also responsible for Oxford Men and their Colleges, which was published soon after. See the Dictionary of National Biography for further details.
From the guide to the Matriculations of Oxford colleges, late 19th century, (University of Oxford, Bodleian Library)
Maybe-Same Assertions
There are 1 possible matching Constellations.
Foster, Joseph O'Kane (person)
No biographical history available for this identity.