Constellation Similarity Assertions

Hildebrandt, Hans, 1878-

No biographical history available for this identity.

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Hildebrandt, Hans, 1878-1957 (person)

Biographical/Historical Note Hans Hildebrandt was a leading German art historian and critic whose interests broadly spanned modern art, architecture and decorative arts. An extremely prolific writer and lecturer, Hildebrandt's most celebrated books include Die Architektur bei Albrecht Altdorfer (hab. 1908), Adolf Hölzel als Zeichner (1913), Wandmalerei (1920), Die Kunst des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts (1924-1931), and Oskar Schlemmer (1952). Hil...
