Constellation Similarity Assertions

Pine Mountain Settlement School.

Pine Mountain Settlement School was founded in 1913 by Katherine Pettit and Ethel deLong Zande on land donated by William and Sally Dixon Creech, two Harlan Countians who wanted to provide wider educational opportunity for Pine Mountain area children. Pine Mountain Settlement School sought not only to provide conventional education but intellectual, industrial, and moral "training," as well as to serve as a social center for the surrounding neighborhood. In addition, the School sought to preserve mountain culture, particularly traditional music and dance. It also provided important health care services including vaccinations, dental and trachoma clinics, even delivery of babies. Extension centers at Line Fork Settlement and Medical Settlement at Big Laurel assisted in health education and provided homemaker's groups, community recreation, sunday schools, and some educational instruction.

Despite its efforts, however, the 1940s found the School in acute financial difficulties. In 1949, it came under the direction of the Berea College Board of Trustees and, in cooperation with the Harlan County Board of Education, became a consolidated public school. The 1960s brought about a reevaluation of the School's mission in light of the county's need for a larger public school. In 1972, Pine Mountain became an environmental education center, and provided space for workshops and other special programs.


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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Pine Mountain Settlement School (Pine Mountain, Ky.) (corporateBody)

Pine Mountain Settlement School was incorporated by Katherine Pettit and Ethel DeLong in 1913 and operated as a boarding school until 1949. In addition to regular academic subjects, students were involved in traditional music and dance activities, and a labor program that helped run the school and develop useful skills. In the 1930s the curriculum was refocused towards trade professions and skills for rural community living. During the 1940s, the school temporarily came under the administration ...
