Constellation Similarity Assertions

Allen, John, 1771-1843

John Allen, Scottish political and historical writer, frequent contributer to the Edinburgh Review.

From the guide to the John Allen manuscript material : 1 item, ca. 1832-1833, (The New York Public Library. Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle.)

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Allen, John (1771-1843: historian and political writer) (person)

John Allen was born at Redfoord, in the parish of Colinton, near Edinburgh, Scotland, on 3 February 1771 . He was apprenticed to an Edinburgh surgeon and in 1791 was awarded his MD from the University of Edinburgh. He lectured on medical topics around Edinburgh and translated Cuvier's Introduction to the Study of the Animal Economy (1801). In private life he was known for his zeal in promoting the cause of political reform in Scotland, and through his sympathy with the p...
