Constellation Similarity Assertions

Massachusetts. Board of State Charities.

The Board of State Charities and its successors from 1863 onward oversaw the Massachusetts state immigration and pauper relief functions, as well as the state's charitable and correctional institutions. St 1865, c 162 required municipalities to provide care for those state paupers too sick to be moved to a state almshouse. In such cases, the local overseers of the poor were required to send an immediate notice to the Board of State Charities, in order to receive approval for state reimbursement from the board's agent for the sick state poor. The overseers were to provide patient location information so that the board, through the agent, could investigate the case if necessary, a role alluded to in St 1869, c 12.

From the description of Notices of sick state poor, 1874. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 319632763

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Massachusetts. State Board of Charity (corporateBody)

The Board of State Charities from 1863 oversaw the Massachusetts state immigration and pauper relief functions, as well as the state's charitable and correctional institutions. In 1866 the board appointed a visiting agent, under its secretary, to track and visit state wards sent out to indenture. The Visiting Agency was made a separate department within the board in 1869 to investigate applicants wanting to adopt or indenture children, approve placements, conduct visits of children that were ado...
