Constellation Similarity Assertions

Perry, Carmen

Carmen Perry was the first Special Collections Librarian in the Library of the University of Texas at San Antonio. She held this position from 1974 until her retirement in 1981. She was named a fellow by the Texas State Historical Association subsequent to the 1975 publication of With Santa Anna in Texas: A Personal Narrative of the Revolution, her translation of the "De la Peña diary" (La Rebelión de Texas).

From the description of Carmen Perry papers, 1973-1988. (University of Texas at San Antonio). WorldCat record id: 416620868


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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 2 possible matching Constellations.

Perry, Carmen (person)

Carmen Perry was born in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, the daughter of a Spanish mother and German father. Her family fled to San Antonio, Texas at the beginning of the Mexican Revolution. She attended Our Lady of the Lake University, where she received a bachelor of arts degree. After college, she taught at John Page Junior High School. She left that position to work for the United States Office of Censorship during World War Two; Perry, who spoke French, Spanish, German, and Catalan,...


Perry, Carmen (person)

Carmen Perry (1905-1999), archivist, librarian, translator of the José Enrique de la Peña diary, and editor of the subsequent published volume With Santa Anna in Texas: A Personal Narrative of the Revolution (1975). Born in Torréon, Mexico to a Spanish mother and a German father, Ms. Perry moved to San Antonio with her family during the Mexican Revolution. She completed a bachelor’s degree at Our Lady of the Lake University and a master’s degree in Spanish literature at the Universi...
