Constellation Similarity Assertions

Petrie, George, 1866-1947

Alabama historian. Petrie was appointed professor of history at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, now Auburn University, in 1887. He served as academic dean from 1908 to 1921 and as graduate dean from 1921 until his retirement in 1942. Petrie wrote extensively on Alabama and Southern history, focusing on secession and the Civil War. Petrie's father, George Laurens Petrie, was minister of the Charlottesville (Va.) Presbyterian Church from 1872 to 1928. His grandfather, George Hollinshead Whitefield Petrie, preached in several churches in South Carolina and Georgia before becoming minister of the Montgomery (Ala.) Presbyterian Church, 1857-1885.

From the description of Papers, 1828-1947. (Auburn University). WorldCat record id: 26066193

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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Petrie, George R. (person)

The Carden School system was created by Mae Carden and specialized in teaching phonic reading, Christian precepts, and student discipline. Ann Lou Jeffs opened the first Carden school in Salt Lake City in 1969 called the Longfellow School. From the guide to the George R. Petrie thesis, 1975, (J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah) ...
