Constellation Similarity Assertions

Associated Students

Historical Note:

In 1921, the San Diego Normal School merged with San Diego Junior College to form San Diego State College. Initially, both schools kept their separate student governing bodies. In May of 1922, however, these separate bodies combined into one student organization, creating the Associated Student Body (ASB). Although ASB was the primary student organization, Associated Women's Students and Associated Men's Students supplemented ASB, and provided more service-oriented activities. Campus President Walter Hepner endorsed student governance, and so Associated Students remained a student-run organization with little to no interference from campus administration. The campus held elections annually to select ASB's new student officers. On March 7, 1932, the State of California officially incorporated Associated Students (AS) as a non-profit corporation, making the group a San Diego State affiliate.


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Maybe-Same Assertions

There are 1 possible matching Constellations.

Associated Students of UCLA (corporateBody)

No biographical history available for this identity.
