Constellation Similarity Assertions

Legg, W. Dorr, -1994

Administrative history

ONE Inc. was founded in the last months of 1952, employed W. Dorr Legg as business manager in June 1953, and was officially incorporated by October 1953. The articles of incorporation declared that ONE Inc.'s primary goal was "to publish and disseminate a magazine dealing primarily with homosexuality from a scientific, historical and critical point of view, and to aid in the social integration and rehabilitation of the sexual variant." The publication of ONE Magazine, first released in January 1953, was the initial focus of the nascent corporation; however, the "General Purposes" section of the articles of incorporation listed the additional goals of education, research, and promoting integration. By the first available annual report in 1957, these purposes had developed into the major divisions of ONE Inc.: Publications, Education, Research, and Social Service. In 1968 the Commercial Division, also known as ONE Enterprises, was added to improve fundraising capacity, and in 1969 the Library Division. Although this organizational structure had largely disintegrated by the late 1970s, the functions of publishing, education, library services, and to a lesser degree research and social service, were maintained.


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Legg, Dorr (person)

No biographical history available for this identity.
