Samuel French, Inc.
Variant namesHistory notes:
Founded by Samuel French (1821-1898) in New York City in 1846, Samuel French, Inc. is the largest and oldest publisher and supplier of plays for amateur and stock theatre in the world. Moreover, the company also serves as a licensing agent for performance rights and runs a theatrical bookshop.
Links to collections
Samuel French Ltd. Samuel French Ltd. play scripts, circa 1875-1950
Houghton Library
McGinley, Phyllis, 1905-1978. Lillian Hellman Papers, 1904-1984 (bulk 1934-1984).
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
Samuel French, Inc. [Collection of plays from Dicks' standard plays series].
Stanford university libraries
Samuel French, Inc. [Collection of plays from Dicks' standard plays series].
Stanford university libraries
Bibliographischer Zentral Verlag. Trade catalogs of booksellers, 1911-1944.
University of California, Santa Barbara, UCSB Library
Samuel Beckett Collection
Boston College. John J. Burns Library
Samuel French, Inc. [Collection of plays from French's acting edition series].
Stanford university libraries
Kester, Paul, 1870-1933. Paul Kester papers, 1880-1933.
New York Public Library System, NYPL
Samuel French, Inc. Samuel French, Inc. Correspondence, 1949.
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
Samuel French, Inc. Correspondence with Theodore Dreiser, 1920-1938.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924. Letters, 1913-1917, to Samuel French, Inc.
New Hampshire Newspaper Project
Lillian Hellman Papers TXRC05-A10005., 1904-1984 (bulk 1934-1984)
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
Gore Vidal papers, 1850-2020 (inclusive), 1936-2008 (bulk)
Houghton Library
Paul Green Papers, 1880-1992
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
Paul Kester papers, 1880-1933
New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
Bronson Howard papers, 1852-1895
The New York Public Library. Billy Rose Theatre Division.
William F. Talbot Papers, circa 1954-1993
Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
Howard, Bronson, 1842-1908. Papers, 1852-1895.
New York Public Library System, NYPL
New Directions Publishing records
Houghton Library
The M. Abbott Van Nostrand Theatre Collection, Samuel French Company Theatre Scrapbooks, 1885-1947
Amherst College Archives and Special Collections
Edward Chodorov Papers None., 1936-1997
Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
Lynn Riggs Collection, 1931, 1941
University of Virginia. Library. Special Collections Dept.
Brown, Thomas P. Thomas P. Brown papers, 1934-1982.
New York Public Library System, NYPL
Thomas P. Brown papers, 1934-1982
The New York Public Library. Music Division.
Related names in SNAC
Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989.
Brown, Thomas P
Brown, Thomas P.
Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924.
Chodorov, Edward, 1904-1988
Clark, Barrett H. 1890-1953.
Dyer, Harold, F.
Frohman, Charles, 1860-1915
Green, Paul, 1894-1981
Hellman, Lillian, 1905-1984
Hogg, Cyril W.
Howard, Bronson, 1842-1908.
Kester, Paul, 1870-1933.
McGinley, Phyllis, 1905-1978.
Sheil, Frank J.
Stephens, J. Frank.
Talbot, William F.
Van Nostrand, M. Abbott.
Van Nostrand, M. Abbott (Morris Abbott), collector
Vidal, Gore, 1925-
This may take some time to compute.
New Directions Publishing Corp.
This may take some time to compute.
Collection Locations
no collection locations known
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- Added or updated
- Deleted or outdated
- Publishers and publishing
- Drama
- Theatrical publishing
not available for this record
- NY, US
- New York (State)--New York (as recorded)
- England--London (as recorded)
Variant Names
French, Inc. Play Publishers and Author's Representatives
Samuel French (Firm)
Samuel French, Inc.
Samuel French Inc (publishers : active 1973-1975)
Samuel French (New York, NY)
Samuel French (Firm)
French, Inc., Play Publishers and Author's Representatives New York, NY
French New York, NY
Samuel French, Inc., Play Publishers and Author's Representatives New York, NY
French, Inc
French, Inc., Play Publishers and Author's Representatives
Samuel French, Inc. Unveraenderte Form
Samuel French, Inc., Play Publishers and Author's Representatives