Pierpont Morgan Library. Spear Collection.
History notes:
not available for this record
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Ruvigny and Raineval, Henri de Massue de Ruvigny, 1648-1720. Letters signed (3) : Bellpuiga and Lisbon, to General Earle, (?)1707 Aug. 11, 1708 May 7 and 1709 Nov.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to a General, [n.d.].
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700. Document signed : Madrid, 1687 Jan. 10.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555. Letter signed : Tomar, to the Duque d'Arcos, 1526 Sept. 9.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Ferdinand I, King of Naples, 1423-1494. Letter signed : Castello Novo, Naples, to his ambassador, Bishop Pemensi, 1474 Sept. 24.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706. Document on vellum signed as Prince Regent : Lisbon, 1676 Mar. 28.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Marradas, Balesar. Collection of drafts of letters and dispatches (some decoded from cipher) attributed to Marradas : Vienna, 1618-1619.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Menezes, Aleixo de, Archbishop of Braga, 1559-1617. Document in his name : Braga, 1612 Sept. 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557. Letter signed : Lisbon, to Cardinal Teotino, 1542 Aug. 6.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Carlos III, King of Spain, 1716-1788. Document signed with royal sign manual : El Pardo, 1767 Mar. 4.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Duarte, Francisco. Document signed : Antwerp, 1544 Dec. 31.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letters (2) signed "Principe" (as Regent) : Palace de Queluz, to Cardinals Eschine and Pacca, 1804 Jan. 15.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. Autograph letter signed : Lisbon, to her aunt, 1843 Nov. 21.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. Letter signed : Brussels, 1624 Apr. 11.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. Letter signed : [Lisbon], to Cardinal Amati, 1843 Mar. 2.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Emanuel, Prince of Portugal, 1697-1766. Autograph letter in French signed : Bayonne, to an unidentified recipient, 1728 Feb. 29.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Joséphine, Empress consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1763-1814. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to [Paul, vicomte de] Barras, [n.d.].
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746. Document signed : San Lorenzo, 1734 Nov. 15.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591. Document signed : "Sabioneta, in our Ducal Palace", 1582 May 21.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain, 1635-1696. Letter signed : Madrid, to "Messire Gundaquer, Comte de Diatristain", 1672 May 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Fernando II, King, consort of Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1816-1885. Letter signed : Lisbon, to Cardinal Amati, 1852 Feb. 2.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746. Letter signed : Lintz, to the Conde de Harrach, 1732 Aug. 28.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. Document signed : Lisbon, as Grand Master of the Order of Aviz, 1773 Jan. 20.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. Letter signed : Brest, to Councillor of State, Caffarelli, the Maritime Prefect, 1801 Nov. 26.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. Document signed : Lisbon, 1786 Oct. 9.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1527-1576. Letter signed : Vienna, to Baron Adan de Dietristan, his ambassador in Spain, 1568 July 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Fernando VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833. Document signed : Madrid, 1820 Oct. 9.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. Letter signed : Brussels, relative to a memorial of Baron d'Eselebecque, Governor of ravelines, presented to the Treasurer General of the King's finances, 1631 Feb. 4.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Mello, Jose de. Letter signed : Royal Convent of Palmella, 1780 Oct. 30.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Cadaval, Nuno Alvares Pereira de Mello, 1638-1727. Autograph note signed : [n.p.], 1677.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Léganes, Don Guzman, Marqués de, fl. 1696. Letter signed : Milan, to the Magistracy of Milan, 1696 Apr. 10.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Margarita of Parma, Regent of The Netherlands, 1522-1586. Letter signed : Brussels, to Francois Vereysen, councillor of the King and to Remy Viese, advocate-fiscal of His Majesty's grand council of Malines, 1563 Oct. 31.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Lacépede, Bernard, comte de. Letters signed (3) : [n.p.], to Colonel Boutrouë, M. Delphin and Captain Raoul, 1805 Jan. 17, 1809 Aug. 14 and 1809 Jan. 5.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591. Document signed : Sabbioneta, 1585 Jan. 24.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558. Document in the name of Carlos and Queen Juana (la Loca) [his mother] and signed by Carlos : Burgos, 1524 Mar. 28.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Olivarez, Don Jose, fl. 1679. Letter signed : Milan, to Cardinal Don Vincente Escalona y Calatuyd, of the Magistracy of Milan, 1679 Jan. 4.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1503-1564. Letter signed : Strigonium, in the Feast of the Blessed Valentine the Martyr, to the Orators and Commissaries, designated to the Diet of Sempronium, 1528 [Feb. 14.].
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Mariana, de Neoburgo, Queen, consort of Charles II, King of Spain, 1667-1740. Autograph letter : Madrid, to an unidentified "Cousin", 1700 Aug. 14.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Farnese, Ottavio, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, 1520-1586. Letter signed : Piacenza, to Monsieur di Collegno, first Major-Domo to his Highness at Vercelli, 1560 Dec. 27.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed "Principe" (as Regent) : Lisbon, 1802 May 14.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Valle, Luiz Botelha, da Silva. Passport [printed form filled out in manuscript], signed by Valle : Lisbon, 1787 Sept. 22.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. Letter signed : Lisbon, to Cardinal Albani, 1720 Feb. 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. Letter signed : Brussels, to "Mon Cousin", [1621] Apr. 15.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria Theresa. Autograph letters signed (12) some with initials : Trieste, Baden, etc., to the Chevalier d'Aznares, a supporter of Carlist causes, 1861-1863.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Document signed (as Philip II, King of Portugal) : Lisbon, 1604 July 5.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706. Document signed as Grand Master of the Order of Santiago : Lisbon, 1694 Mar. 29.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806. Autograph letter signed : "on board the Principe de Asturias," 1805 Sept. 28.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Sousa, Manoel Caetano de, 1658-1734. Autograph letters signed (4) : Lisbon, to Conde de Ericeira, the historian, 1707.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed "Principe" (as Regent) : The Palace Lisbon, to Prince Borghese, 1792 Mar. 5.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, 1685-1740. Letter signed as Carlos III of Spain : Barcelona, to the Provost and Canons of the Collegiate Church of the City of Manresa, 1708 Jan. 10.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed : Lisbon, 1824 Oct. 8.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. Letter signed for the Queen by Jose de Seabrada Sylva : Palacio de Gueluz, 1795 July 16.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed "Principe" (as Regent) : Palace of Queluz, to Cardinal Pacca, 1803 Feb. 10.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555. Letter signed : Almeiria, to the Duque d'Arcos, 1525 Nov. 11.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Chastenay-Lanty, Henri Louis, Comte de, 1771-1834. Autograph letters and letters signed with documents signed (73) : Spain, 1823.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Braganca, Miguel Maria Evaristo de (Dom Miguel), 1802-1866. Document issued in the name of the King, as administrator of the royal estate of Braganca : [Braganza], [1832] May and June.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Margaret, of Austria, Duchess of Parma, 1522-1586. Letter signed : Brussels, to Count Mansfelt, 1561 Aug. 11.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Farnese, Alessandro, Duke of Parma, 1545-1592. Letter signed : Camp before "Nyenoue" , 1582 Nov. 7.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Document signed : [n.p.], 1809 June 24.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Thiebault, Paul Charles Francois Adrien Henri Dieudonne, Baron, 1769-1846. Manuscript report signed : Salamanca, 1811 May 15.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Osuna, Jose Maria Joaquin, Duque de, 1685-1733. Diplomatic correspondence : [n.p.], 1721-1722.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700. Letter signed : Madrid, to the Magistracy of Milan, 1689 Mar. 28.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Cellamare, Antonio del Giudice, principe di. Autograph letters signed : various places, to the Marqués de Monteleón, 1716 Apr. 14 and Oct. 8.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Mello, Jose de. Document signed : Royal Convent of Palmella, 1780 Oct. 30.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed and subscribed as John as Prince Regent : Mafia, to the Prince of Paz (Manuel de Godoy), 1807 Mar. 2.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Margarita, of Austria, Regent of The Netherlands, 1480-1530. Letter signed : Brussels, to "Mon cousin le Duc de Norfolk. Admiral d'Angleterre" (Thomas Howard, ninth Duke of Norfolk), 1524 Sept. 11.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. Autograph letter signed : Lisbon, to the Princess Clementine d'Orleans, daughter of King Louis Philippe, 1840 Nov. 16.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Floridablanca, Jose Monino y Redondo, Conte del, 1728-1808. Letter signed : San Ildefonso, to Don Marcos de Argaiz, 1783 Oct. 8.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Isabella Maria, 1801-1876. Autograph letters signed (2) : Paris, to a gentleman, probably her tutor, who has corrected the Portuguese language, 1838 Apr. 8 and 1839 Nov. 21.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Barbosa, Agostinho, Bishop of Ugento, 1590-1649. Autograph letter signed : Madrid, to Dr. Alessandro Rafaelli, in Rome, 1642 June 1.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Letter signed : Segovia, to Don Francisco de Benavides, General of the Army in Flanders, 1609 Aug. 22.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Adrian VI, Pope, 1459-1523. Letter signed : Valladolid, to the Duque d'Arcos, 1520 July 5.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633. Letter signed : Brussels, to Maestro de Campo, Juan Bravo de Lagunas, in Antwerp, 1629 Aug. 3.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826. Letter signed "Principe" (as Regent) : Palace of Queluz, to Cardinal Eschine, 1806 May 16.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Ferdinand I, King of Portugal, 1345-1383. Document signed : Quimos, 6 November Era 1402 [A.D. 1369].
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Fuentes, Pedro Enriquez de Azevedo, Count of, 1560-1610. Letter signed : Milan, to the Magistracy of Milan, 1607 Mar. 20.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Mansfeld, Peter Ernst, Fürst von, 1517-1604. Letter signed : Brussels, to Sieur de Prouene, Governor of the town of Malines, 1592 Feb. 9.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Quiroga, Antonio, 1784-1841. Autograph letters signed (5) : Paris, Madrid, etc., to various recipients, 1828-1834 and [n.d.].
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Ana de Jesus Maria, Infanta of Spain. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to Manuel Innocencio dos Santos, 1842 Apr. 28.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539. Document signed : Madrid, to Captain Nicolas de Artieta, Corregidor of Cadiz, Cadiz, 1530 July 20.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. Letter signed : Brussels, to the Comte de Busquey, 1619 May 3.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Cobos, Francisco, de Los, d. 1547. Letter signed : Ouveda , to the Queen of Portugal, 1547 Mar. 4.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. Letter signed : Lisbon, 1715 June 7.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Eleonore, princess of Portugal. Autograph letter signed : the Hague, to Monsieur de Zulecom, (in the army), 1674 July 14.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria, 1662-1726. Letter signed : Neustadt, to Catherine de Medicis, 1560 Jan. 8.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Grimaldo, José Guttierez de Solorzano, marqués de, 1664-1733. Autograph letters signed (2) : The Pardo, to the Marquis de Monteleon, 1716 July 8.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630. Letter signed : Brussels, to Jacques de Celandre, 1619 Feb. 23.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Torrijos, Jose Maria de, 1791-1831. Autograph letters signed (3) : Alencon, written while in exile in France, to his friend, Monsieur Tabard, at Lyons, 1824 Jan.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557. Letter signed : Evora, to the Duque d'Arcos, 1524 Sept. 16.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750. Document signed by Dona Marianna, queen of John V : Lisbon, 1750 May 9.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. Document signed : Belem, 1753 Sept. 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873. Letter signed : [n.p.], to "Mon Cousin", 1854 Jan. 30.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816. Document signed : Lisbon, 1778 June 12.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Letter signed : Valladolid, to the Viceroy of Navarre, Don Juan de Cardona, 1605 Apr. 13.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Azara y Perera, José Nicolas de, Marques de Nibbiano, 1730-1804. Autograph letters signed (6) and one copy of an autograph letter signed : Rome and Paris, to various recipients, 1781-1803.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Braganca, Gaspar da, Archbishop of Braga. Letter signed : Braga, 1770 May 18.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853. Autograph letter signed : Lisbon, to the Princess Clementine d'Orleans, 1839 Oct. 13.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Fernando II, King, consort of Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1816-1885. Autograph letter signed : Cintra, to King Louis-Philippe of France, 1838 Aug. 6.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Villena, Manoel de. Letter signed : Malta, to Carlos Requesens, 1726 Feb. 28.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Bonaparte, François-Charles-Joseph, Herzog von Reichstadt, 1811-1832. Autograph manuscript : [n.p., n.d.].
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Cunha, Nino da, Cardinal. Document signed : Lisbon, 1738 Aug. 11.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777. Document signed : Lisbon, 1767 May 30.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Juana, countess of Hanau-Münzenberg, d. 1673. Letter in German signed : Hanau, to Johann Grassen, her husband's agent, 1655 Feb. 22.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539. Document signed : Madrid, to Captain Nicolas de Artieta, Corregidor of Spain, Spain, 1530 Apr. 9.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Luiz, King of Portugal, 1838-1889. Letter signed : Lisbon, to Marino Miguel Franzini, Secretary of State, 1861 May 17.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Spinola, Filippo, Marchese di. Letter signed : Brussels, to an unidentified recipient, 1668 Nov. 8.
Pierpont Morgan Library.
Related names in SNAC
Adrian VI, Pope, 1459-1523.
Ana de Jesus Maria, Infanta of Spain.
Barbosa, Agostinho, Bishop of Ugento, 1590-1649.
Braganca, Gaspar da, Archbishop of Braga.
Braganca, Miguel Maria Evaristo de (Dom Miguel), 1802-1866.
Cadaval, Nuno Alvares Pereira de Mello, 1638-1727.
Carlos III, King of Spain, 1716-1788.
Cellamare, Antonio del Giudice, principe di.
Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700.
Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700.
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558.
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor, 1685-1740.
Chastenay-Lanty, Henri Louis, Comte de, 1771-1834.
Cobos, Francisco, de Los, d. 1547.
Cunha, Nino da, Cardinal.
Duarte, Francisco.
Eleonore, princess of Portugal.
Emanuel, Prince of Portugal, 1697-1766.
Farnese, Alessandro, Duke of Parma, 1545-1592.
Farnese, Ottavio, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, 1520-1586.
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1503-1564.
Ferdinand I, King of Naples, 1423-1494.
Ferdinand I, King of Portugal, 1345-1383.
Fernando VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833.
Floridablanca, Jose Monino y Redondo, Conte del, 1728-1808.
Francisco de Asís María Fernando, King, consort of Isabel II, Queenof Spain, 1822-1902.
Fuentes, Pedro Enriquez de Azevedo, Count of, 1560-1610.
Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591.
Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591.
Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806.
Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806.
Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806.
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633.
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633.
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633.
Isabella Maria, 1801-1876.
Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539.
Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539.
John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557.
John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750.
John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750.
John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750.
José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777.
José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777.
José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777.
Juana, countess of Hanau-Münzenberg, d. 1673.
Lacépede, Bernard, comte de.
Léganes, Don Guzman, Marqués de, fl. 1696.
Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555.
Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555.
Luiz, King of Portugal, 1838-1889.
Mansfeld, Peter Ernst, Fürst von, 1517-1604.
Margaret, of Austria, Duchess of Parma, 1522-1586.
Margarita, of Austria, Regent of The Netherlands, 1480-1530.
Margarita of Parma, Regent of The Netherlands, 1522-1586.
Maria Anna of Austria, Queen of Spain, 1635-1696.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853.
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816.
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816.
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816.
Maria Theresa.
Marradas, Balesar.
Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria, 1662-1726.
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1527-1576.
Mello, Jose de.
Mello, Jose de.
Menezes, Aleixo de, Archbishop of Braga, 1559-1617.
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821.
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873.
Olivarez, Don Jose, fl. 1679.
Osuna, Jose Maria Joaquin, Duque de, 1685-1733.
Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706.
Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706.
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621.
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621.
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621.
Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746.
Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746.
Quiroga, Antonio, 1784-1841.
Ruvigny and Raineval, Henri de Massue de Ruvigny, 1648-1720.
Sousa, Manoel Caetano de, 1658-1734.
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630.
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630.
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630.
Spinola, Filippo, Marchese di.
Torrijos, Jose Maria de, 1791-1831.
Valle, Luiz Botelha, da Silva.
Villena, Manoel de.
Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700.
Gonzaga, Vespasiano, Duque de Sabbioneta, 1531-1591.
Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806.
Gravina, Frederico Carlos, 1756-1806.
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633.
Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, 1566-1633.
Isabella, of Portugal, 1503-1539.
John III, King of Portugal, 1502-1557.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John VI, King of Portugal, 1767-1826.
John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750.
John V, King of Portugal, 1689-1750.
José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777.
José Manuel, King of Portugal, 1715-1777.
Luiz, Infante of Portugal, 1506-1555.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853.
Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1819-1853.
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816.
Maria I, Queen of Portugal, 1734-1816.
Mello, Jose de.
Pedro II, King of Portugal, 1648-1706.
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621.
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621.
Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746.
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630.
Spinola, Ambrogio, Marchese di, 1569-1630.
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Variant Names
Pierpont Morgan Library. Spear collection.