Aitchison Jeffrey Ltd (brewers : 1961-1966 : Edinburgh, Scotland)

Biographical notes:

Aitchison Jeffrey Ltd , brewers, Edinburgh, Scotland , was registered as a limited liability company in 1961 , as a wholly owned subsidiary of United Breweries Ltd , to integrate the activities of John Aitchison & Co Ltd , Canongate Brewery, Edinburgh, and John Jeffrey & Co Ltd , Heriot Brewery, Roseburn Terrace, Edinburgh, production being concentrated at the latter site. United Breweries Ltd merged with Charrington & Co Ltd , London, England , in 1962 through a holding company, Charrington United Breweries Ltd , London.

Source: Richmond, Lesley and Turton, Alison (eds.) The brewing industry. A guide to historical records ( Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1990 )

From the guide to the Records of Aitchison Jeffrey Ltd, brewers, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1959-1967, (Glasgow University Archive Services)

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