Gray, John Rodger (1913-1984: theology graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland)

Biographical notes:

John Rodger Gray was born on 9 January 1913 . His father was a master butcher. He entered the University of Glasgow aged 17 and was a student from 1930-1934 . In his first year, 1930-1931, he studied English, History (Ordinary), Logic (Ordinary) and Greek. The following year, 1931-1932, he studied Political Economics, Moral Philosophy and Psychology. In his third year, 1932-1933, he studied for Junior Hons in Political Economics, Political Economics and Political Philosophy. In his final year, 1933-1934, Gray studied for Senior Honours in Political Economics and Political Philosophy. He graduated MA in 1934 . He went on to graduate MA and BD (Yale University) and ThM (Princeton University).

He worked as a minister and then became the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland for 1977 . John R. Gray died in Dunblane on 9 August 1984.

From the guide to the Papers of John Rodger Gray, 1913-1984, theology graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1930-1949, (Glasgow University Archives Service)

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