Julian, of Norwich, 1343-
Variant names
English, Middle (1100-1500),
Biographical notes:
not available for this record
Links to collections
Julian, of Norwich, b. 1343. Extracts from Juliana of Norwich, Revelations of divine love [manuscript] 16th c.
University of Virginia. Library
Julian, of Norwich, b. 1343. Revelations of the unutterable love of God in Jesus Christ, vouchsafed to a dear lover of his and in her to all his dear friends and lovers. [microform].
Princeton University Library
Boyd, Anne. Revelations of Divine Love [music] / Anne Boyd.
Libraries Australia
Related names in SNAC
Boyd, Anne.
Rutten, Jacqui.
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British Library.
Westminster Cathedral. Library.
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Collection Locations
no collection locations known
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- Devotional literature
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Variant Names
Julian, of Norwich, b. 1343
Julienne, de Norwich, née 1343
Julian of Norwich
Julian of Norwich (1343-1416?).
Julienne de Norwich, 1343-1416?
Julian av Norwich, ca 1342-ca 1416
Juliana, anacoreta, 1343-1443
Iuliana Norvicensis
Iuliana Norvicensis 1342-1416
Julian <di Norwich>
Julian, of Norwich, 1343-c. 1416
Julian, of Norwich, dz. 1343
Juliana, of Norwich
Juliana, of Norwich, 1342-na 1416
Juliana of Norwich ca 1342-ca 1416
Juliana z Norwich
Julianna z Norwich
Julian of Norwich 1342-na 1416
Juliana anchoret
Norwich, Julian of
Juliane de Norwich 1343-1416?
Julienne de Norwich 1342-1416
Juliana Norvicensis 1342-1416
Juliana, anchoret, 1343-1443
Juliana de Norwich
Julian Lady 1342-1416
Julian of Norwich 1342-1416
Julian von Norwich ca 1342-ca 1416
Juliana von Norwich, ca 1342-ca 1416
Juliana of Norwich 1342-1416
Juliana av Norwich, ca 1342-ca 1416
Юлиана, Нориджская, dz. 1343
Juliana of Norwich 1343-1416?
I︠U︡liana Noridzhskai︠a︡ 1343-
Juliana <di Norwich>
Juliana Anchoret 1342-1416
Julian, of Norwich, Mother, ca 1342-ca 1416
Julienne, de Norwich
Iuliana Anchoreta 1342-1416
Julienne de Norwich 1342-na 1416
Juliana, van Norwich, 1342-na 1416
Juliana von Norwich
Juliana Anchorite 1342-1416
Julian af Norwich
Julian van Norwich 1342-na 1416
Norwich, Juliana of
Julienne de Norwich née 1343
Julian von Norwich 1342-1416
Julian Anchoress at Norwich 1342-1416
Julian 1343-1416?
Juliana von Norwich 1342-1416
Julian, John
Juliana <anacoreta>
Giuliana <di Norwich>