Jaber, Bobby.


Biographical notes:

The artist, Bobby Jaber, was inspired by the buckminsterfullerene molecule. He sculpted a series of 6 porcelain geometric representations of it, presenting the other five to Sir Harold Kroto, Dr. Richard Smalley and Dr. Robert Curl, E.J. Applewhite, and Bonnie DeVarco.

This piece is named for Fra Luca Pacioli (1445-1514), a well-known Renaissance master of mathematics and sacred geometry. He wrote the first treatise exploring the Golden Mean in great detail entitled "De Divina Proportione" which was illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci. Pacioli's other book, the "Suma" published in 1494 gives a summary of the mathematics known at that time. It studies arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry and provided a basis for the major progress in mathematics which took place in Europe shortly after this time.

From the description of Pacioli; sixth piece of the Buckminster Fuller Presentation Series : porcelain sculpture, 2001. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 122585571

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