Newcomb, Robert L.

Biographical notes:

Historical Background


The California farm labor movement began in the 1960s when the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee began unionizing California farm workers. The National Farm Workers Association was founded by Cesar Chavez, and later became the United Farm Workers of America (UFW). In 1968 Chavez launched a boycott of California table grape growers and was successful in mobilizing consumer support throughout the United States. In 1970 the UFW, with Chavez as president, became a member union of the AFL-CIO. Chavez made people across the country aware of the struggles of farm workers for better pay and safer living conditions and succeeded by using nonviolent tactics including boycotts, fasting, pickets, and strikes.

1962 Cesar Chavez founds the National Farm Workers Assocation. 1966 Cesar Chavez and a band of strikers embark on a 340-mile pilgrimage from Delano to the steps of the state capitol in Sacramento to draw national attention to the situation of farm workers. 1966 1967 A boycott and strike of the DiGiorgio Fruit Corp. forces the giant grape grower to agree to an election among its workers. The workers vote for the United Farm Workers (UFW), led by Chavez. 1966 1967 The UFW strikes the Giumarra Vineyards Corporation, California's largest table grape grower. In response to the boycott other grape growers allow Giumarra to use their labels. As a result, the UFW begins a boycott of all California table grapes. 1967 1970 Hundreds of grape strikers disperse across North America to organize an international grape boycott. Millions of Americans rally to the farm workers' cause, called "La Causa." 1969 United Farm Workers Organizing Committee Information Fair in San Fernando, California. 1970 As the grape boycott grows, most California table grape growers sign UFW contracts. 1972 The UFW is chartered as an independent affiliate by the AFL-CIO, becoming the United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO. 1973 1975 According to a nationwide poll conducted by Louis Harris, 17 million Americans are boycotting grapes. Many are also boycotting lettuce and Gallo wine.

From the guide to the United Farm Workers Information Fair collection, circa 1959-1974, (University of California, Irvine. Library. Special Collections and Archives.)

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