Congrès international d'histoire des sciences 2 1931 Londres
International Congress of the History of Sciences
Congreso Internacional de Historia de las Ciencias
International Congress of the History of Science (15 ; 1977 ; Edynburg).
International Congress of History of Sciences.
Mezinárodní sjezd pro dějiny věd
Meždunarodnyj Kongress po Istorii Nauki
Internationaler Kongress für Geschichte der Wissenschaft
Congresso Internacional de Historia das Ciências
Internationaler Kongreß für Geschichte der Wissenschaften
Congress on the History of Sciences, International
ICHS [i.e. International Congress on the History of Sciences]
Congreso Internacional de Historia de la Ciencia
Internationaler Kongress für Geschichte der Wissenschaft.
International Congress on the History of Science
International Congress of the History of Science
Congresso Internacional de Historia das Ciências
Mezhdunaroden kongres po istorii︠a︡ na naukata
Congrès international d'histoire des sciences
Mezinárodni sjezd pro dejiny ved
Meždunarodnyj Kongress po Istorii nauki.
International Congress, History of Science
Congrès International d'Histoire des Sciences.
International Congress of History of Science
Congresul Internațional de Istoria Științei
International Congress for the History of Science
Internationaler Kongreß für Geschichte der Wissenschaft
Meždunaroden Kongres po Istorija na Naukata
History of Sciences, International Congress on the
Mezhdunarodnyĭ kongress po istorii nauki