Emma, Queen of Hawaii 1836-1855

Variant names

Biographical notes:

High Chiefess Emma Kalanikaumakaʻamano Kaleleonālani Naʻea Rooke was born on January 2, 1836 in Honolulu. She was often called Emalani ("Royal Emma"). Her father was George Naea and her mother was High Chiefess Fanny Kekelaokalani Young, she was adopted under the Hawaiian tradition of hānai by her maternal aunt High Chiefess Grace Kamaʻikuʻi Young Rooke and husband, Dr. Thomas Charles Byde Rooke. A royal member of the Kamehameha dynasty, through her great grandfather, Kealiʻimaikai, a brother of King Kamehameha the Great. High Chiefess Emma was selected by Kamehameha III to be eligible for the Hawaiian throne and was sent to be groomed at the Chiefs' Children's School, where she lived and was educated with her cousin and future husband, Prince Alexander Liholiho (King Kamehameha IV) whom she married on June 19, 1856. On May 20, 1858 Emma gave birth to her only child, a son, Prince Albert Edward Kauikeaouli Kaleiopapa Kamehameha. Queen Victoria of England was his godmother, for which he was given the name Albert Edward after her husband. Unfortunately, the young prince died at the age of four and a year later, her husband, King Kamehameha IV died in 1863. Queen Emma, who was dedicated to health care and education, with her husband, King Kamehameha IV, were the founders of The Queen's Medical Center, St. Andrews Priory, ʻIolani School and St. Andrews Cathedral. When the throne was left vacant after the death of King Lunalilo on February 3 1874, Emma proclaimed herself as candidate for the throne as she was a member of the royal house and was officially made eligible to be a ruler. The other proclaimed candidate was High Chief David Kalākaua who was also a member of the royal house and was eligible to rule as well. Unfortunately the legislature voted 39 to 6 in favor of Kalākaua, the election resulted in an uproar of Queen Emma's supporters, comprised by the majority of the Hawaiian people. The Marines from American and British vessels were called to restore civil order and eventually Queen Emma acknowledged Kalākaua as the new king. The Dowager Queen Emma In 1883, suffered the first of several small strokes and died two years later on April 25, 1885 at the age of 49, she left the bulk of her estate to the trust of the Queen's Hospital as well as some scholarships.

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