Vansville Farmers Club.

History notes:

The Vansville Farmers Club, organized in March 1884 at the home of James D. Cassard, the club's founder, was inspired by the Montgomery County Farmers Convention. The club was the immediate successor of the Maryland Agricultural Society, which ceased to exist in 1884. Monthly meetings were held at members' farms. The inspection of the farm and property of the host was an important part of the meeting. The club called upon members to meet early enough to inspect the host's farm and "criticize it freely, but without flattery," after which the Inspection Committee would submit a report. The host was expected to deliver an essay on farm, which was recorded in the minutes of the meeting, as was the Inspection Committee's report. The inspection was followed by a meal provided by the host. The Vansville Farmers Club sponsored the first Farmers' Institute, from which developed the state system of Farmers' Institutes which were eventually taken over by the Extension Service of the University of Maryland. Members have been involved in civic and farm affairs in the state of Maryland since the club's inception.

From the guide to the Vansville Farmers Club papers archives, 1898-1994, null, (State of Maryland and Historical Collections)

Organized in 1884 to promote the implementation of improved agricultural techniques.

Instrumental in the development of a statewide system of farmers' institutes.

From the description of Records. 1898-1994. (University of Maryland Libraries). WorldCat record id: 20360382

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