Hubmaier, Balthasar, -1528
Variant names
Biographical notes:
not available for this record
Links to collections
Hostetler, David E. The writings of Balthasar Hubmaier / by David Hostetler.
Mennonite Historical Library (Goshen College), MHL (Goshen College)
Martin, C. Joseph. A comparative study of the teachings of Balthasar Hubmaier and Peter Riedemann concerning church discipline / by C. Joseph Martin.
Mennonite Historical Library (Goshen College), MHL (Goshen College)
Faber, Johannes, Bp., 1478-1541. A translation of Faber's Defense of the orthodox faith against Hubmaier : with introduction and notes / by Leo Taylor Crismon.
SBTS Library, James P. Boyce Centennial Library
Crismon, Leo T., 1906-1986. Balthasar Hubmaier's conception of the Lord's Supper as revealed in his interview with Faber : expanded form of an address delivered in chapel at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Tuesday morning, November 14, 1944 / by Leo T. Crismon.
SBTS Library, James P. Boyce Centennial Library
De Fehr, Art. Balthasar Huebmör : foundations of his thought : research paper / by Art De Fehr.
Mennonite Historical Library (Goshen College), MHL (Goshen College)
Stayer, James M. Theologians of revolution in the Peasants' War? : the cases of Balthasar Hubmaier and Thomas Müntzer.
Mennonite Historical Library (Goshen College), MHL (Goshen College)
Related names in SNAC
Crismon, Leo T., 1906-1986.
De Fehr, Art.
Faber, Johannes, Bp., 1478-1541.
Hostetler, David E.
Martin, C. Joseph.
Stayer, James M.
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Collection Locations
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Variant Names
Hubmaier, Balthasar, 1485-1528
Hubmaier, Balthasar, 1480?-1528
Hubmaier, Balthasar, d. 1528
Hubmeier, Balthasar, d. 1528
Hubmaier, Balthasar
Hübmeier, Balthasar 1485-1528
H°uebmör, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmor, Balthasar d. 1528
Friberger, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmaier, Paltus 1485-1528
Hübmair, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmör, Balthasar
Pacimontanus, Balthasar, 1485-1528
Pacimontanus, Balthasar, -1528
Hubmör, Balthasar
Huebmoer, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hübmair, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hiebmeier, Balthasar
Hubmeier, Balthasar, -1528
Hiebmair, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hübmör, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hüebmoer, Balthasar 1485-1528
Pacimontanus, Balthasar d. 1528
Friedberger, Balthasar 1485-1528
Friedberger, Balthasar
Hiebmaier, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmaier, P. 1485-1528
Pacimontanus, Baldazar 1485-1528
Frydberger, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hiebmaier, Balthasar, d. 1528
H°ubmör, Balthasar 1485-1528
Friedberger, Balthasar, -1528
Hubmör, Balthasar, -1528
Huobmör, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmör, Balthasar -1528
H°ubmör von Fridberg, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmorch van Fridburch, Balthasar 1485-1528
Friedberger, Balthasar, d. 1528
Hiebmaier Balthasar
Hubmör, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmayer, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmair, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmoer, Balthasar 1485-1528
Fridberger, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hübmaier, Balthasar 1485-1528
Fribergher, Balthasar 1485-1528
Hubmeier, Balthasar
Fridberger, Paltus 1485-1528
Hiebmaier, Balthasar -1528
Hubmeier, Balthasar 1485-1528