Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294
Variant names
Biographical notes:
not available for this record
Links to collections
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Book of magic, with instructions for invoking spirits, etc., ca. 1577-1583.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Bacon, Rogerus, 1214-1292. Rogerii Baconis de secretissimis naturae mysteriis supercoelestibus manuscriptum, h. e. tractatus de lapidis philosophici praeparatione et virtutibus eius supercoelestibus secretus et reconditus - Cod.mag.67.
Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, BSZ
Bacon, Rogerus, 1214-1292. Rex Evanthes Arabicum. Der große Cabaliste war auf eine Witterhaut. Hyparchus Die Geheime Weisheit der Araber auf Witterhaut. Alamaon Babylonier hat beschrieben das große Lichte in der Natur auf Baum-Rinden - Cod.mag.141 / 1ter Theil in das Lateinische übersetzet von Rocherij Bachonis M. CC. LXXXII.
Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg, BSZ
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. [Contra senectutem] [microform].
National Library of Medicine
Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Livre ... au sujet de l'admirable puissance de l'art et de la nature : manuscript, [17--].
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
British Library. [Codex of Cottonian Julius D.V] [microform].
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
[Roger Bacon, biographical materials]
University of Wisconsin - Madison, General Library System
Friedman, William F. (William Frederick), 1891-1969. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1928, n.d.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
University of Oxford. [Pamphlets on the Roger Bacon commemoration ceremony of 1914, and the memorial tablet unveiled in 1917].
Yale University Library
Kent, Roland G. (Roland Grubb), 1877-1952. [The cipher of Roger Bacon : advertising notices and reviews / compiled by Roland G. Kent].
University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
Papers of S.A.Hirsch, 1890-1923
University of Southampton Libaries Special Collections
Hodgson, J. E. (John Edmund), 1875-1952,. Typescript letter signed from J.E. Hodgson, 115 Chancery Lane, London, to Sir Leicester Harmsworth [manuscript], 1929 July 6.
Folger Shakespeare Library
Abbot, Charles, Baron Colchester, 1757-1829. Scrapbook of autographs, letters, biographies, news clippings and prints of English judges, ca. 1629?- ca. 1873?
Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Digby Manuscripts, 9th-17th century
Bodleian Library, Oxford
Related names in SNAC
Duns Scotus, John, ca. 1266-1308.
Friedman, William F. (William Frederick), 1891-1969.
Hodgson, J. E. (John Edmund), 1875-1952,
This may take some time to compute.
British Library.
Universitätsbibliothek Basel.
University of Oxford.
This may take some time to compute.
Collection Locations
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Variant Names
Bacon, Roger
Bacon, Roger, ca. 1214-ca. 1294
Bacon, Rogerus 1214-1292
Bacon, Roger, 1220?-1292
Bacon Roger c 1214-1294
ביקון, רוג'ר, 1214?-1294
Bacon, Roger, ca 1220-ca 1292
Bacon, Roger, O.F.M., c. 1214-1294
Bacon, Roger <ca. 1214-1294>
Bacon, Roger, -1294
Bacon, Rogerus 1220?-1292
Bachon, Roger, c. 1214-1294
Roger Bacon 1214-1292
Rogerus Ilcestriensis
Rogerus Ilcestriensis 1214-1292
Baco, Roger c. 1214-1294
Bacco, Rogerius c. 1214-1294
Bachon, Roger 1214-1292
Baconis, Rogeri 1214-1292
Bacone, Ruggero c. 1214-1294
Baccones, Rogerius, ca. 1214-ca. 1294
Bacho, Roger 1214-1292
Bèkon, Rodžer
Baco, Rogerius
Rogerus, Bacon
Baconus, Rogerus 1214-1292
Bacone, Ruggero 1214?-1294
Rogerus Bacon 1214-1292
Bacon , Rogerus
Bachon, Roger 1214?-1294
Bacone, Ruggero 1214-1292
Bacone Ruggero 1220?-1292
Baco, Roger, 1214?-1294
Baccon, Rogerius.
Bacco, Roger 1214-1292
Bachon, Roger, ca. 1214-ca. 1294
Bachon, Roger
Bacco, Rogerius
Bacco, Rogerius, 1214?-1294
Bacone , Ruggero
Bacco, Roger
Bacho, Roger
Baco, Roger
Bacho, Rogerius.
Bacon, Roger OFM 1214-1294
Roger Bacon
Bacconis, Rogerius 1214-1292
Bacon, Rogerus, ca 1220-ca 1292
Baconus, Rogerus
Baco, Rogerius 1214-1292
Bacconis, Rogerius
Baco, Roger 1214-1292
Bacon, Roger 1214-1292
Bachon, Rogerus 1214-1292