Glasgow Association of University Women (university association : 1901- : Glasgow, Scotland)

Biographical notes:

The Association of Women Graduates of the University of Glasgow was formed at a general meeting in the Queen Margaret Union, University of Glasgow , Scotland, in 1901 . The association was formed to form a bond of union between women graduates and promote the interests of women graduates. It was open to all women graduates of the University.

A committee consisting of a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer along with 3 ordinary members managed the Association. The annual business meeting of the association was held in November of each year.

General meetings of the association took place at the Queen Margaret Union and usually involved the reading of a paper by a member or visitor followed by a discussion. Papers included the regulation of teachers and the careers of women graduates. Other subjects included suffrage, voting rights for women and the organisation of an annual dinner for members. By 1933, there was a membership of 335 graduates.

The association was invited to send a member to sit on the Glasgow & West of Scotland Women's' Suffrage Committee in the 1930s but declined although a member did sit on the Women's Advisory Council .

In 1921 , the association became affiliated to the British Federation of University Women and sent delegates to their annual conference. By 1935 , the association had become known as the Glasgow Association of University Women although some records refer to it as the British Federation of University Women Glasgow Branch .

The Glasgow Association of University Women became part of the Scottish Federation of University Women when it was formed in 2006 , affiliating itself with other local assocations in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Inverclyde and district. The Glasgow Association holds monthly meetings with speakers on various subjects.

From the guide to the Records of Glasgow Association of University Women, 1901-, alumni association, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1901-2004, (Glasgow University Archive Services)

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