Nisbet, James Wilkie (1903-1974 : student : University of Glasgow, Scotland

Biographical notes:

James W Nisbet was born in 1903 and matriculated at the University of Glasgow in 1921 at the age of 17 and took Latin, for which he obtained a Certificate of Distinction; Political Economy, in which he also gained a Certificate of Distinction; and Mathematics to gain a Special Certificate.

In his second year (1922/1923) he studied Higher Policical Economics, English and Logic and Metaphysics, gaining first prize and the Buchanan prize in the latter.

In Nisbet's third year (1923/1924) he took Higher Ordinary Logic and Metaphysics and gained a 1st class Certificate of Merit, Political Economics Honours and Constitutional Law and History, gaining seconds in class and third in class for Forensic Medicine.

In 1924/1935 he took Honours Logic and Political Economics, Economic History and Civil Law, where he gained 3rd prize. In his final year (1925/1926) he studied Scots Law to acquire a distinction, Public International Law and took 2nd prize; Jurisprudence also 2nd prize, with a 1st class certificate; Moral Philosophy, gaining 1st prize and the Edward Caird Medal, and in the summer term of 1926, taking Evidence and Procedure to become fourth in that class.

He graduated MA in 1924 , and LLB in 1926 and eventually become a university lecturer. He died in 1974, aged 71.

From the guide to the Papers of James Wilkie Nisbet, 1903-1974, student, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1921-1927, (Glasgow University Archive Services)

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