Glasgow University Women's Club (London) (alumni society: 1927-: Glasgow, Scotland)

Biographical notes:

The Glasgow University Women's Club (London) was founded in 1927 in London, England, for alumni of the University of Glasgow, Scotland, who lived in London, as female graduates were barred from joining the equivalent male clubs. The club's aim was "maintaining and extending the fellowship and interests begun among its members during student life at Glasgow University." In 2010, the club was still active with membership open to both male and female graduates. It meets 4-5 times a year with an annual general meeting held in the autumn, an annual lunch with a speaker in spring, an annual formal dinner with speaker held in June, and an afternoon tea in January.

From the guide to the Records of Glasgow University Women's Club (London), alumni society, London, England, 1933-1995, (Glasgow University Archive Services)

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