International Council of Graphic Design Associations
Variant namesBiographical notes:
The International Council of Graphic Design Associations (ICOGRADA) has been the professional world body for graphic design and visual communication since it was founded in London in 1963 with Willy M de Majo as its first President. A voluntary grouping of more than 70 independent associations from 45 countries, it has a strong educational remit and promotes the role of graphic design in both society and commerce.
As the world's non-governmental and non-political representative and advisory body for graphic design and visual communication, ICOGRADA serves the international community of graphic designers. Its aims have remained consistent since its foundation, and it seeks to raise the standards of design, professional practice, and ethics; raise the professional status of the graphic designer; further the appreciation of designers' professional achievements; extend design's contribution to understanding among people; promote the exchange of information, views, and research; contribute to design education - theory, practice and research; coordinate matters of professional practice and conduct; establish international standards and procedures; hold congresses, conferences, seminars, and symposia; publish and distribute information concerned with graphic design.
The Icograda Executive Board comprises members nominated by the Member associations. The organisation is managed by a Secretariat which moved from Brussels to Montréal, Canada in 2005.
Professional design organizations join Icograda as Full Members with voting rights. Promotional or technical organizations join as Associate Members with voting rights. Non-voting Members include: Patron Members, who contribute financially; Subscriber and Education Members, engaged in education, the raising of standards, or design research and practice; Corresponding Members, residing in a country not represented by a Member organization; and Affiliate Members,international organizations concerned with professional practice in fields related to graphic design.
ICOGRADA has consultative status with the Council of Europe; UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization); UNIDO (the United Nations Industrial Development Organization); and WIPO (the World Intellectual Property Organization). In 1999, Icograda was one of the founding members of Design for the World (DW), a non-profit multi-disciplinary organization formed to solve global social, humanitarian and habitat problems through design.
From the guide to the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (ICOGRADA) Archive, 1963 - [ongoing], (University of Brighton Design Archives)
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