Epsilon Sigma Phi

Biographical notes:

Epsilon Sigma Phi is an honorary professional fraternity for agricultural extension agents. Founded on January 10, 1927, in Bozeman, Montana, the fraternity soon attracted members nationwide. According to the fiftieth anniversary handbook for the Tau Chapter, the purpose of the fraternity was "to promote fellowship among Extension workers, to uphold ideals of superior work and to encourage advanced training." The fraternity met these goals by recognizing outstanding extension workers with awards, by establishing a scholarship loan fund for the use of members, and by holding an annual banquet and meeting at which members socialized and participated in a program relating to extension work. Epsilon Sigma Phi also pushed for colleges to grant academic rank, sabbatical leave, and other privileges to extension employees and was instrumental in the movement to provide retirement benefits for agricultural extension workers.

Mr. William A. Lloyd, a representative of the Cooperative Extension Service, organized the Tau Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi at College Park, Maryland, on January 19, 1928. There were thirteen charter members; Thomas B. Symons was the first chief. To be considered for membership, candidates for induction had to have performed satisfactory service for at least ten years as an extension worker; the period was reduced to five years in 1964. Candidates also had to be currently employed at least half-time by the University of Maryland and/or by the federal Extension Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture.

Traditionally the Tau Chapter held one meeting a year, at the time and place of the Annual Extension Conference. There were also several executive meetings a year, and occasionally spring and fall meetings were held. To foster continuing education, the Tau Chapter made membership loans and scholarships available for members. The Chapter also encouraged 4-H programs through their 4-H Recognition Award to county leaders. In 1952 the Tau Chapter started the Hall of Service to recognize those persons who had completed twenty-five years of work in extension, and in 1975, the chapter initiated the Rookie of the Year Award, recognizing a person who had been on the Maryland Cooperative Extension Service staff for more than one year but less than two and who had shown special talent and energy in carrying through a program.

The Tau Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi continues to be active in 2012.

From the guide to the Epsilon Sigma Phi records, 1928-2011, 1928-1985, (University of Maryland)

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