Whatcom County Chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America

Biographical notes:

The U.N.A.U.S.A. developed in 1943 out of the League of Nations as a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization. The organization sponsored research projects on important international issues and encouraged members to seek and explore solutions to world problems at the local level.

The Whatcom County Chapter began as a temporary committee that first met on July 7, 1954. The first official meeting of the Whatcom County Chapter of the U.N.A.U.S.A. was held at the Leopold Hotel in Bellingham on September 25, 1957. It was dissolved in 1998 due to lack of membership.

Chapter meetings were held monthly, usually at the home of a member or in a local church. Meeting minutes were regularly kept and a chapter government was elected. In keeping with its organizational mission, the Whatcom Chapter hosted community events to promote education and awareness of global issues as well as fundraising campaigns in the Whatcom community. Examples of these included commemorations of the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and panels such as "Developing the Final Frontier: International Cooperation and Competition in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space" that was presented in 1986. The chapter gathered news clippings related to their activities and interests in addition to producing a local newsletter.

From the guide to the Whatcom CountyWhatcom County Chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America Records, 1952 - 1997, (Western Washington University Heritage Resources)

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