Biographical notes:

An interesting collection of family letters dating from 1800-1861, covering four generations, of Connecticut and Massachusetts interest.

Abigail Bradley of Stockbridge, Mass. went to Miss Pierce's School in Litchfield, Conn. in 1814 and 1815. In 1818 she married Lavius Hyde, a young minister of Salisbury, Conn. Lavius was dismissed from the Salisbury parish in 1822 for controversial ideas on slavery . Later he was established in Bolton, Conn. Their daughter, Sarah, went to Ipswich (Mass.) Seminary in 1852. There is a charming letter from her father written at this time.

There are many letters exchanging family chit-chat among the numerous members of a large and lively family. Quite naturally many are couched in religious phrases. There are some of Lavius's sermons, and articles of a religious nature by his wife, Abigail.

There is a delightful letter from a brother, Edward, describing Boston and the new educational system in 1827. There are also copies of letters in 1856 from Lawrence, Kansas at the time of the Kansas-Nebraska conflict.

From the guide to the Papers, 1800-1861, (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute)

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