Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill.). School of Music

The Northwestern University Department of Music, successor to the University's Conservatory of Music (1874-1892) existed from 1892 to 1895 as a division of Northwestern's College of Liberal Arts. The Department offered three courses of study: one for amateurs, another for aspiring professionals, and a third advanced course leading to the Bachelor of Music degree. Students successfully completing the advanced course received diplomas, those completing the professional course received certificates of attainment.

The School of Music supplanted the Department of Music in 1895. As its curriculum developed, the School sponsored a variety of programs of study. The curriculum included both certificate of attainment and performance programs and diploma programs. Diploma programs, leading to the Graduate in Music and Bachelor of Music degrees as well as the Diploma in Musical Proficiency, were either more extensive in scope or less narrowly professional than certificate programs.


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