Curtis, Lucile Atcherson, 1894-1986

Lucile Atcherson Curtis, daughter of Charlotte (Ray) and Frederick W. Atcherson, was born October 11, 1894, in Columbus, Ohio. She attended Miss Phelps' Collegiate School and the Columbus School for Girls and received her A.B. from Smith College in 1913.

From 1914 to 1917, she was Executive Secretary of the Franklin County [Ohio] Woman Suffrage Society. In September 1917, she went to France as a staff member of the American Fund for French Wounded. In 1918, she joined the staff of the American Committee for Devastated France, where she assisted in the Committee's efforts to provide basic health care and social services and to physically restore eleven villages in the Coucy-le-Château area of the Departement de l'Aisne. In 1919, she was transferred by the Committee to Paris to oversee the Paris office and all personnel. She resigned in 1921. For her work to help rebuild France, she was awarded the Médaille de la Reconnaissance Française in 1919.
