Witter, J. Franklin, 1906-1982

J.[ohn] Franklin Witter was born on June 11, 1906 in Frederick, Maryland. After graduating from high school, Witter enrolled at the University of Maryland in the fall of 1924 to study agriculture. While at the university, Witter joined the Y.M.C.A., the Student Grange, the Poe Literary Society, the Calvert Forum, the Livestock Club, the Varsity Debating Team, and a fraternity, Delta Psi Omega. He often worked two jobs, one in the dining hall and the other in the Extension Service Office, to help defray the cost of his education. In addition, Witter was a member of three honorary societies: Alpha Zeta, Omicron Delta Kappa, and Phi Kappa Phi. During his senior year, Witter was president of the Y.M.C.A. and a member of the Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, Master of the Student Grange, president of the Inter-fraternity Council, president of the Tri-State Council Christian, Associations, captain of the Debate team, and president of the Livestock Club. In 1928 he received his degree as an Honor Roll student of the College of Agriculture.

After graduation, he taught vocational agricultural courses at West Friendship High School in Lisbon, Maryland for one year. The next year Witter entered the veterinary program at Michigan State College, worked as a graduate assistant in the animal pathology department, and in 1932 received his Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine.


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