Cohn, Jonathan Scott, 1969-

Jonathan Scott Cohn (born 1969) is an American author and journalist who writes mainly on United States public policy and political issues. Formerly the executive editor of The American Prospect and a senior editor at The New Republic, Cohn is now a senior national correspondent at The Huffington Post.

Before joining The New Republic in 1997, Cohn served as executive editor at The American Prospect. Cohn has also written for the Boston Globe, Mother Jones, The New York Times, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Slate and the Washington Post. He has been a media fellow at the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. and a senior fellow at Demos, and is a member of the National Academy of Social Insurance. He has appeared on television and radio shows, including MSNBC's "Countdown," NPR's "Fresh Air," and "The Colbert Report".


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