United States. Panama Canal. Bureau of Customs

The Chief of the Division of Civil Affairs headed the Bureau of Customs. He was aided by Chief Customs Inspectors. The Bureau had custody of merchandise discharged for persons or firms in the Republic of Panama not connected with "The Panama Canal," the railroad, Army, or Navy, until the duty was paid, and it issued permits for the release of such goods. It approved requests for free entry, arrested violators of customs regulations, and certified invoices covering shipments of goods form the Canal Zone to the United States. It also inspected and sealed miscellaneous household goods which had been in use and were to be shipped to the United States. These general functions were exercised through two customs houses, one at Cristobal and the other at Balboa.

The Bureau of Customs also exercised the authority normally lodged with the Immigration Service with regard to the exclusion of the Chinese. All Chinese crew lists were checked, the Chief of the Division being charged directly with the responsibility for Chinese exclusion administration. The Bureau likewise supervised the work of preventing opium and liquor smuggling.


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2021-09-30 02:09:36 pm

Jennifer Pollock


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