Powhatan, Rose

Rose Powhatan is descended from the Pamunkey Tribe of Indians of Virginia. She earned both her undergraduate and graduate arts degrees from Howard University in Washington, D.C., and has completed further studies at Trinity College, Georgetown University, Catholic University, and the University of London. Numerous academic, professional and community service awards have been presented to her. Formerly the Southeastern Region Artists’ Circle representative for ATLATL (the nation’s premier Native American arts organization), her select board memberships include the Intertribal Women’s Circle and Fondo del Sol Multicultural/Bilingual Museum. Powhatan has created critically acclaimed paintings, installations, murals, totem poles, plays, costumes, and educational artwork; her select film credits include The New World movie and HBO’s John Adams mini-series; she is a published author; and the co-founder of the Powhatan Museum and educational website (powhatanmuseum.com). Having worked as an arts educator for more than 25 years in D.C. and the United Kingdom, Rose inspires her fellow artists and educators by being an activist actor/artist/author/educator from a large extended family that includes 29 arts practitioners.
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2021-11-03 06:11:48 pm

Eden Orelove


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2021-09-28 07:09:24 pm

Nancy Kennedy


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