Smith, Margaret Earhart, 1902-1960
Margaret Earhart was born in Evanston, Illinois, on February 3, 1902, the daughter of Harry Boyd and Carrie (Beal) Earhart. After graduation from Vassar College in 1923 ME was involved with a number of journalistic pursuits in Ann Arbor, including research for a book on Emily Bronte, which included travel abroad. Teaching and psychiatric counselling were also part of ME's early work experience. In February 1926 she married Dr. Clement Andrew Smith (b. 1901), a pediatrician. They had four children: Pamela, Margaret Abigail, Reynolds and Hilary. In 1930 the Smiths moved to Boston, where Smith lived from then on except for the years 1932-1933 and 1943-1945.
In the years 1930-1943 Smith continued to work on the Bronte manuscript, which she eventually destroyed. She became active in early efforts to help refugees from Europe, was the first president of the Window Shop in Cambridge (see the Window Shop collection in the Schlesinger Library), and also helped individuals who were trying to get entrance visas to the United States.