Massachusetts. Dept. of Correction. (1919-)

The Commissioners of Prisons were established pursuant to St 1870, c 370. As reconstituted under St 1879, c 294, they were also known as the Board of Commissioners of Prisons. They were succeeded in turn by the Board of Prison Commissioners (St 1901, c 364), the Massachusetts Bureau of Prisons (St 1916, c 241), and the Dept. of Correction (St 1919, c 350, s 82)

NAME AUTHORITY NOTE. Series relating to the agencies described above can be found by searching the following access points for the time period stated: 1870-1901--Massachusetts. Commissioners of Prisons; 1901-1916--Massachusetts. Board of Prison Commissioners; 1916-1919--Massachusetts Bureau of Prisons; 1919-present--Massachusetts. Dept. of Correction.
