Stanley, Winifred Claire, 1909-1996

Winifred Claire Stanley (August 14, 1909 – February 29, 1996) was an American politician and attorney from New York affiliated with the Republican Party. Stanley is known for her vigorous women's rights advocacy during the WWII war time period, her work as a prosecutor, and for being the first female assistant district attorney in Erie County. Although Stanley served only one term before her constituency was redistricted, she used her legislative standing to champion peacetime demobilization and equal pay regardless of sex.

Born in the Bronx and raised in Buffalo, New York, Stanley pursued her undergraduate degree at the University of Buffalo following graduation from Lafayette High School, graduating with honors. Stanley went on to receive her LLB and JD from the same institution in 1933, graduating first in her class. In 1934 she commenced her law practice. Stanley’s reputation as a lawyer was impeccable, but her greatest precongressional accomplishment proved to be the root of her future defense of women’s rights while serving in Congress. She was ultimately named assistant district attorney of Erie County at the age of 28.


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2021-06-21 10:06:38 am

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