Post, Amy Kirby, 1802-

Amy Kirby (later Amy Kirby Post) was the daughter of Jacob and Mary Seaman Kirby, who lived in Locust Grove, on Long Island. The family were longtime Quakers, and members of Jericho Monthly Meeting, well-known as the meeting of Elias Hicks (1748-1830). In 1827-1828 the Society of Friends would undergo their most severe schism, as the reformers, dubbed Hicksites after one of their leading spirits, split off from the Orthodox Friends. In Hicks' own monthly meeting, all but twelve of the 199 members would join the Hicksites. Amy referred to the much older Hicks as her "cousin," and like many of the Jericho Friends, they were related by marriage, if not by blood.

In 1824, Amy Kirby and her family traveled three hundred miles west to Skaneateles, in Onondaga County, New York. It is possible that they were visiting Amy's sister Hannah, who had married Isaac Post at Jericho MM in 1821, and removed to Skaneateles, where they were probably members of Scipio Monthly Meeting. While visiting, Amy either met or revived an acquaintance with Charles Willets, a Quaker man who had most likely been a member of Jericho before removing to the finger lakes region. He was probably the son of William Willets and his first wife, Latitita Valentine, members of Westbury MM, the meeting Jericho was set off from in 1789.


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