Near, Holly

Holly Near, singer, songwriter, activist, and author, was born in Ukiah, Calif., in 1949, the daughter of Anne (Holmes) and Russell Near. She grew up on her parents' cattle ranch in Potter Valley, Calif., and began performing at age 7, singing at local events and conventions. Near was involved with acting and music at Ukiah High School. She attended the University of California, Los Angeles, where she majored in drama. During her studies at UCLA, Near auditioned for the Free the Army Show. With Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Pamela Donegan, Rita Martinson, and Glen Chandler, she entertained GIs in the Philippines, Okinawa, and Japan (1971-1973). The FTA tour was the beginning of her political awakening and her opposition to the Vietnam War. She was also active with the Pentagon Papers Peace Project, Another Mother for Peace, and the Indo-China Peace Campaign.

In 1973 Near released her first album, Hang in There, and founded, with Jeff Langley, Redwood Records, which produced all of her albums as well as those by other artists, including Sweet Honey in the Rock. In 1975 she became involved in the women's music scene by performing at the annual fundraiser for the Los Angeles Woman's Building with Meg Christian, Margie Adam, Cris Williamson, and Lily Tomlin. Later that year she performed in her first women's music festival at the San Diego Women's Music Festival. During the 1970s Hang in There was followed by three other albums. Near toured broadly and performed around the United States and abroad as well as at many women's music festivals and concerts.


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