White, Robert Michael, 1924-2010

Robert Michael "Bob" White (July 6, 1924 – March 17, 2010) (Maj Gen, USAF) was an American electrical engineer, test pilot, fighter pilot, and astronaut. He was one of twelve pilots who flew the North American X-15, an experimental spaceplane jointly operated by the Air Force and NASA. As an engineer, he supervised the design and development of several modern military aircraft.

On July 17, 1962, he flew the X-15 to an altitude above 50 miles, thereby qualifying as an astronaut according to the United States definition of the boundary of space.

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2021-08-16 03:08:57 pm

Sarah Beth Rigdon


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2020-05-15 03:05:02 pm

Sarah Beth Rigdon


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2020-05-14 03:05:02 pm

Sarah Beth Rigdon


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2020-05-13 11:05:05 am

Jerry Simmons


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