Duke University. Alspaugh Residence Hall.

The first Alspaugh Hall was built in 1902 on Duke University's East Campus, then Trinity College. The building was known as North Dormitory until September 1912, when it was named for Colonel Alspaugh, then Trinity's oldest living alumnus. The building was deconstructed in 1927, and rebuilt at Kittrell College in Kittrell, North Carolina.

The second Alspaugh Hall was completed and occupied in 1926. It was first known as Dormitory No. 2. Like the other dormitories in the Georgian quadrangle, Dormitory No. 2 was designed to accommodate approximately 110 persons and originally contained fifty single rooms, thirty double rooms, three parlors, a suite for the head of the house, kitchenette, pressing room, reception room, and offices. In 1930, the dormitory was again named for Colonel Alspaugh, when the opening of West Campus allowed what had been the Trinity College campus (now East Campus) to become the Woman's College of Duke University.


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