Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was an English poet and translator. Born on March 6, 1806, Barrett Browning became proficient in Greek, Latin, French, and other European languages. At the age of eleven she wrote a verse "epic" in four books of rhyming couplets, "The Battle of Marathon," which was privately printed in 1820 at her father's expense. She went on to write such works as "An essay on mind," "Sonnets from the Portuguese," and "Aurora Leigh." In September of 1846, she secretly married the poet Robert Browning, and they moved to Italy, eventually settling in Florence, where she remained until her death in 1861.

From the guide to the Elizabeth Barrett Browning collection of papers, 1764-[1973, 1812-1883, (The New York Public Library. Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature.)

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