Bacon, Delia Salter, 1811-1859

Delia Salter Bacon (b. February 2, 1811, Tallmadge, Ohio-d. September 2, 1859, Hartford, Connecticut), American author and lecturer. She advanced the theory that Shakespeare's plays were the work of Francis Bacon in her book The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakespeare Unfolded (1857).
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2019-03-06 10:03:52 am

Jerry Simmons


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2019-03-06 10:03:01 am

Jerry Simmons


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2019-03-06 09:03:47 am

Jerry Simmons


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2019-03-06 09:03:30 am

Jerry Simmons


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2019-03-06 09:03:29 am

Jerry Simmons

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