Luxemburg, Rosa, 1871-1919

Born in Zamość, Russian Poland 1871, died in Berlin 1919; socialist theorist, journalist and agitator; joined the revolutionary socialist group ÌI. Proletarjat' as a schoolgirl in Warsaw in 1887 and had to emigrate in 1889; studied sciences and economics in Zurich; cofounder of the Socjaldemokracja Królestwa Polskiego (i Litwy) (SDKP) in 1894, which she represented in the International Socialist Bureau (ISB) 1904-1914; participated in the Russian Revolution 1905/06; active in the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD) from 1898 as a fervent critic of revisionism and spokeswoman for the revolutionary left wing; editor of and contributor to party papers and journals including Die Neue Zeit and Przeglad Socjaldemokratyczny, teacher of the SPD's central party school and author of political and theoretical writings such as S̀ozialreform oder Revolution?' 1899 and D̀ie Akkumulation des Kapitals' 1913; during the First World War instrumental in organizing the socialist antiwar opposition with her Junius pamphlet D̀ie Krise der Sozialdemokratie' 1916; leading member from 1916 of the Spartakusgruppe which in 1918 became the Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD); murdered by counterrevolutionary troups in January 1919.

From the description of Archives 1898-1918. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 78550868


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