Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley, 1890-1964
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was an agitator and organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and a Communist Party (CP) official. Flynn was an organizer in major strikes in Lawrence, Massachusetts and Paterson and Passaic, New Jersey. She saw labor court trials as important extensions of organizing, and participated in trials in Missoula, Montana (1908), and Spokane, Washington (1909-1910). As part of her defense work she created the Workers’ Defense League, an organization to fight for the victims of the post-World War I Red Scare, and helped establish the American Civil Liberties Union. Flynn also wrote leaflets, pamphlets, articles, and a regular newspaper column for twenty-six years.
Up until the publication of her microfilm collection, there has been no easily available collection of her work. The microfilm contains her writing depicting the complexities of her political life, as both a team player and a dissenter in the IWW and Communist Party. It also includes her writings on world events that deeply affected her life, including World War I and II, the Palmer Raids, and the McCarthy period. Her written work includes pamphlets, letters, columns and drafts for her unpublished autobiography of her latter years. Her columns include articles about women’s suffrage, International Women’s Day, and the Spanish, French and American revolutions, plus portraits of Irish, French, Russian, and American revolutionaries, as well as her relatives and friends.