Kathrada, A. M. (Ahmad M.), 1929-2017

Ahmed Mohamed Kathrada, also known as Kathy Kathrada (b. Aug. 21, 1929–d. Mar. 28, 2017) was an anti-apartheid activist, politician, political prisoner, and MP in South Africa. He was a leading member of the ANC and of the SACP; founding member of the Transvaal Indian Volunteer Corps and its successor, the Transvaal Indian Youth Congress. Kathrada was imprisoned on Robben Island, 1964–82, then Pollsmoor Prison until his release on 15 October 1989. He served as a MP from 1994, after South Africa’s first democratic elections, and served as political adviser to President Mandela.
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2019-08-08 12:08:07 pm

Dina Herbert


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2019-08-08 10:08:00 am

Dina Herbert


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2016-08-10 04:08:16 am

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2016-08-10 04:08:15 am

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