William Louis Abbott Botanical Explorations of Haiti (1919-1920)

The Botanical Explorations of Haiti expedition consisted of three trips with the purpose of collecting unique specimens of mammals, birds and plants for the United States National Museum (USNM). The first trip, February to June 1919, explored the Samana Bay Region and the mountains in the vicinity of Sanchez and Constanza. The second trip, July to October 1919, explored the Samana Peninsula, Sosua, and the Islets of Saona and Catalina. On the third trip, February to July 1920, Emery C. Leonard (USNM, Division of Plants) accompanied William Louis Abbott. Together they explored Port au Prince, St. Marc, Gonave Island, Lake Saumatre and Fond Parisien. This expedition is also referred to as the Santo Domingo and Haiti Expedition.

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