Green Party of Minnesota.
The Green Party of Minnesota was a political organization dedicated to the ten key values of the international and United States Green movements: grassroots democracy, social and economic justice, ecological wisdom, nonviolence, decentralization, community-based economics, feminism and gender equity, respect for diversity, personal and global responsibility, and future focus and sustainability. It was organized in December 1993 and officially established at two founding conventions held in February and June of 1994. The party was an outgrowth of the Minnesota Greens Confederation, a membership-based organization, founded circa 1990-1991, whose mission was to foster the development of local Green groups in Minnesota and to facilitate their efforts to educate and empower the people of the state. Twin Cities Greens was established in 1988. The Green Party of St. Paul was organized in 1997-1998.
From the guide to the Green Party of Minnesota records., 1988-2012., (Minnesota Historical Society)
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